Colonel Patrick A. Wampler is the Deputy Commander, 43d Air Mobility Operations Group, Pope Army Airfield, North Carolina. He assists the Commander in providing leadership for over 900 personnel assigned to five squadrons, and 14 staff agencies. He provides direction for the support of the rapid, contingency and training outload of the XVIII Airborne Corps, 82d Airborne Division and other special mission partners.
Colonel Wampler was commissioned in 1995 through the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, has deployed numerous times in his career and served in various leadership positions at the Squadron, Group, MAJCOM and Air Staff levels. Most recently, he commanded the Joint Communications Support Element (Airborne), MacDill AFB, FL. Col Wampler is a graduate of the US Army Basic Airborne, Advanced Airborne, and Military Free Fall courses. He is married to the former Mallory Fritz, a US Army Signal Officer, and they have two children, Isabella (4yrs old) and Liam (2yrs old).
1995 Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, Tulane University, LA
1998 Master of Business Administration, Auburn University at Montgomery, AL
2000 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, AL
2008 Master of Military Operational Arts and Sciences, ACSC, Maxwell AFB, AL
2012 Air War College (correspondence)
2013 Joint Professional Military Education II, JCWS, National Defense University, Norfolk, VA
2016 Master of National Security Strategy, National War College, Ft McNair, DC
1. June 1995 – October 1996, Software Engineer/Program Manager, Standard Systems Group OL-B, Tinker AFB, OK
2. October 1996 – December 1998, Chief, Development Section and Executive Officer, Standard Systems Group, Maxwell AFB Gunter Annex, AL
3. December 1998 – December 2001, Communications Maintenance Flight Commander and Director of Maintenance, 729th Air Control Squadron, Hill AFB, UT
4. January 2002 – June 2005, Deputy Commander, Joint Communications Unit, Fort Bragg, NC
5. July 2005 – July 2007, Lead Communications Engineer, 13th Air Force/Kenney HQ, PACAF, Hickam AFB, HI
6. August 2007 – June 2008, Student, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL
7. June 2008 – June 2011, Presidential Communications Officer and Commander, 3d Presidential Communications Command, White House Communications Agency, Anacostia Annex, Washington, DC
8. July 2011 – July 2013, Commander, 1st JCS, Joint Communications Support Element, MacDill AFB, FL
9. September 2013 – August 2015, Chief, IT Compliance Branch; Chief, Cyber Policy and Deputy Director, Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Executive Action Group, Headquarters USAF, Pentagon, VA
10. August 2015 – June 2016, Student, National War College, Fort McNair, Washington, DC
11. July 2016 – May 2018, Director of Communications, Special Operations Command Europe, Patch Barracks, Germany
12. June 2018 – June 2020, Commander, Joint Communications Support Element (Airborne), MacDill AFB, FL
13. May 2019 – Present, Deputy Commander, 43d Air Mobility Operations Group, Pope Army Airfield, NC
Bronze Star Medal
Defense Meritorious Service Medal (3 Oak Leaf Clusters)
Meritorious Service Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster)
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster)
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
Second Lieutenant 31 May 1995
First Lieutenant 31 May 1997
Captain 31 May 1999
Major 01 Oct 2005
Lieutenant Colonel 01 Aug 2010
Colonel 01 Nov 2016
(Current as of 15 June 2020)