What You Need To Know About WAPS

POPE AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. -- Are you a Senior Airman through Senior Master Sergeant and ready for a promotion? Do you know when the testing window is for your particular promotion cycle? 

Have you obtained all of the necessary study materials to ensure your success...better yet, do you know what source to use to verify that you are studying the right content?

I would like to share a few things to provide some insight into the Weighted Airmen Promotion System, affectionately known as "WAPS." 

The regulation that governs the testing system is AFI36-2605. In there, you can find out how to obtain your WAPS reference material, what happens if you're a "no show, information about scheduling a test, and all sorts of other helpful information. 

As someone that is eligible to test, it is important that you know when your testing window is and be prepared to test the first day of the testing administration window. 

To access the latest WAPS catalog, go to https://www.omsq.af.mil/te/WAPSCat.pdf. 

All Airmen and NCOs should be familiar with this catalog. This catalog identifies study references for enlisted personnel preparing for Promotion Fitness Examinations and Specialty Knowledge Tests under Weighted Airman Promotion Program System WAPS, as well as for the United States Air Force Supervisory Examinations under the Senior NCO Promotion Program. 

Listed below are the responsibilities required by an examinee: 

1.19. Examinee Responsibilities from AFI 36-3605.

1.19.4. Examinees must wear an authorized uniform or the uniform of the day when testing (AFOSI agents may be tested in civilian clothes). 

1.19.5. For promotion testing, airmen must: Know their promotion eligibility status. Maintain their specialty and military qualifications to retain their eligibility. Use self-initiated programs of individual study and effort. Obtain and study all current study references specified for a particular promotion cycle. Review the annual WAPS Catalog to check availability and receipt of correct study references. Be prepared to test the first day of the testing window. Ensure they receive at least 60 days' access to study materials prior to testing. 
NOTE: When an Airman signs the promotion testing Report on Individual Person, he/she is waiving the right to 60 days' access to study material. The Airman is also waiving the right to 60 days' access to study material if he/she has not initiated follow-up action to obtain study materials at least 60 days before start of testing cycle. Know her/his promotion testing requirements prior to testing date. Bring a valid military ID card to any testing session. Bring the minimum personal items possible into the testing room. In addition to items prohibited in the testing room, examinees are discouraged from bringing purses, back-packs, gym bags, brief cases, or any other container-type items into the room. Ideally, an examinee has the correct military uniform and his/her military ID card only. 
NOTE: Test administration begins when the TCO/TE closes the door to the testing room at the appointed start time.