Pope Army Airfield is part of the Fort Liberty garrison — home to roughly one tenth of America's Army. The garrison provides a vast array of services to Pope Airmen, many of which meet or exceed services typically offered at Air Force bases. Team Pope has built a great relationship with Fort Liberty over the years and our partnership benefits everyone within the joint community.
The lead Air Force tenant unit on Pope Army Airfield is the 43rd Air Mobility Operations Group (AMOG), and its mission statement is, "Support, Train and Project the Force."
The 43rd AMOG is responsible for rapid strategic deployment of forces assigned to Joint Special Operations Command and the U.S. Army’s XVIII Airborne Corps and 82nd Airborne Division. The group provides combatant commanders with Airborne Joint Forcible Entry, combat airlift, aerial port operations, command and control, and other enabling capabilities.
You can also read more about the 43rd AMOG Strategic Plan here.
Altogether, Team Pope consists of several units including: