We supported the United States’ largest airlift and Noncombatant Evacuation Operations through leading 40 personnel and eight agencies with the Personnel Deployment Function to process 54 Special Operations personnel for the Immediate Response Force rapid deployment which ensured the evacuation of 124K American and Afghan personnel.
Additionally, we oversee AMC’s largest special duty assignment pay program ($6.5M). We conduct monthly validation of special duty assignment pay requirements for 555 personnel and through this year’s audit, we recovered $275K in back-pay entitlements for Team Pope personnel.
Finally, we were key to 82nd Airborne Division during their European, Assure, Deter, Reinforce Operation through leading our Personnel Deployment Function by processing 55 Special Operations personnel, from 18th CWS and 14th ASOS, which primed three Combatant Commanders with the Immediate Response Force launch to deter Russian aggression of Ukraine. Moreover, supporting Task Force-Gryphon we led A1 & PERSCO functions to process and track over 100 augmentation personnel who conducted maintenance and stage management operations for 32 crews and their 91 mission to deliver 5,000 Army personnel to the EUCOM theater.