
NSPS Requires Leadership Involvement

POPE AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. -- This week, I had the privilege to get around to each group and meet many of you. I see exactly why General McDew raved about your pride and excellence. I look forward to meeting the rest of you throughout the coming weeks, but I want to share with you a little more about my leadership philosophy.

As leaders, we have to take care of our people. This week, Brig. Gen. Tom Stickford briefed Wing leadership on the National Security Personnel System. As the general told us, the purpose of this new system is to establish a performance-based and results-oriented culture.

We have big changes coming for our civilian force, but it is up to us to learn all we can about this new system and be able to answer any and all questions our people may have. Communicating the milestones on our way to the January 1 conversion is one of my top priorities.

I challenge each supervisor and commander to increase your knowledge through research. Each of you should visit Air Mobility Command's thorough Web site that provides vital information you need to know. The Web address is: https://private.amc.af.mil/nsps/, and I encourage you to complete the NSPS 101 course.

Secretary Rumsfeld said it best when he said, "These reforms will provide senior managers greater flexibility in managing our dedicated civil service, empower them to compete for high quality talent, offer compensation competitive with the private sector, and reward outstanding service."

All levels of leadership must be able to sit down and clearly define their employees' performance job objectives and thoroughly communicate how they fit into their organization's mission before the conversion. We all have to get the necessary training and communicate with our employees in order for this new system to work.

We may not have all the answers, but our working group, which will be chaired by Col. John McDonald, is committed to making the conversion as seamless as possible. Much like Air Force Smart Operations 21, this is a cultural change that we must institutionalize.

I want to congratulate the 23rd Fighter Group for successfully completing last week's Operational Readiness Inspection. I also want to commend the 21st Special Tactics Squadron for receiving an "Excellent" rating on their ORI. They are a remarkable group of warriors.

I want to congratulate a number of combat controllers who were recognized as the best in the Air Force.

These award- winning warriors are: Special Tactics Field Grade Officer of the Year: Maj. Michael Martin, 24th Special Tactics Squadron.

From the 21st STS the award winners include: Special Tactics Company Grade Officer of the Year Capt. James Alexander, Combat Controller Senior NCO of the Year Master Sgt. Douglas Fenske, and Combat Controller Airman of the Year Senior Airman Fred Baker.

Lastly, I would like to welcome Colonel McDonald, our new vice commander, his wife, Bonnie and his children, Ryan and Katie.