Combined Federal Campaign is here Published Sept. 18, 2009 By Capt. Iesiah Harris 43rd Medical Operations Support Squadron POPE AIR FORCE BASE N.C. -- The Combined Federal Campaign officially began with a kick-off breakfast Sept.11 and ends Oct. 23. After the posting of colors, Staff Sgt. Meliza Cubacha, 43rd Medical Support Squadron, sang the national anthem, and Chaplain (Capt.) Phil Hollstein said a prayer of blessing for the breakfast and rendered a moment of silence for all of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. Wayne Hill, Airman Family and Readiness Center director, Robert Hines, CEO of the United Way and Scott Carnivore, the Preservation Society, were the guest speakers at the event. In addition, several individuals shared personal testimonies, each demonstrating the importance of donating to CFC charities. Staff Sgt. Christina Baxter, 43rd Force Support Squadron shared a story about her baby who was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome. She explained how important the CFC has been in her life and about the great deal of assistance she received from various CFC organizations. Lt. Col. Trent Tate, 43rd Aerospace Medical Squadron Commander, shared another personal story about his father who battled cancer for years, and how, with the help of the American Cancer Society, his family was able to better handle that time. Col. James Johnson, 43rd Airlift Wing Commander, ended the event by signing the first CFC form of the year.